Motakamel Plus ERP

We create advanced ERP solutions built in Microsoft SQL Server to help organizations of different sizes, types, and activities manage all their business operations smartly and efficiently. Our flexible solutions can be easily configured to meet the requirements of different industries (including hotels, restaurants, healthcare, etc.), allowing organizations to automate, track, and carry out business processes seamlessly all in one platform (e.g., accounting, finances, HR, archiving, logistics, and much more).

Why Choose Motakamel Plus ERP?

• Manage your organization more professionally to improve performance and optimize resources.
• Maintain steady business growth and effective organizational structure
• Expand your business and reach excellence through our configurable, highly-flexible solutions
• Join our list of international clients who have achieved outstanding results using our systems.
• Empower your organization with a smart, effective, highly-configurable, and easy-to-use system.
• Be the first to benefit from the continuously updated versions of Motakamel Plus.

Key Features

• Providing organizations of different types and industries with a centralized solution to manage their financial, technical, and administrative operations all in one place.
• Offering ideal flexibility to meet the needs of various business ecosystems (e.g., ability to handle operations that include different items, weights, and measuring units, such as pharmacy operations).
• Adapting to business growth and ensuring that all processes (sales, purchases, inventory, finances, etc.) are managed in line with the pre-set policies.
• Identifying role-based authorities and responsibilities across the organization (and affiliates), while providing real-time performance monitoring of each user.
• Seamless handling of foreign exchange rates in different transactions, sales, and purchases.
• Linking item types and account statements to cost centers in different transactions, with the ability to set different item prices in different branches.
• Ability to use multi measuring units for items in the inventory, with flexibility to use a different unit for sales and purchases.
• Linking item types and account statements to cost centers in different transactions, with the ability to set different item prices in different branches.
• Linking item types to certain analytic criteria and generating reports based on each criteria.
• Recording, saving, and moving of transactions to related accounts in real-time, with ability to view reports of both moved and unmoved transactions.
• Ability to use quick access functions such as: F5: Item data, F6: Item inventory details, F9: Changing the inventory measuring unit, F10: Statement accounts
• Adjusting language and view based on personal preferences.
• Supporting decision making by generating real-time reports about key risks and opportunities, with the ability to compare the performance of two or more branches.

System Configuration

• Go to the Settings Section to complete the configuration process safely and easily, using either pre-set data or Excel-exported data.
• Create the accounting main module and related sub-systems, and add data to both the main and sub modules.
• Identify accounting periods, local currency (and all other currencies you deal with), measuring units for items in the inventory, and sub accounts.
• Create a general chart of accounts including all main and sub accounts and link them to related items and account groups.
• Add banks and investment funds, while linking each of them to the related accounts.
• Group items into main and sub groups and link them to related accounts. Also, create an item list and link it to related groups and measuring units.
• Create specialized analytical tools to analyze your clients, suppliers, and cost centers.
• Identify sales agents and couriers, while linking each of them to related clients, distribution points, and sales goals.
• From the "Changes" option, you can activate or disable the release, receipt, or transfer of inventory items with current selling prices.
• Enjoy absolute freedom to deal with inventory items as whole or parts, while identifying cost of each part (component)
• Calculate taxes based on different tax types and assess their impact on margins in both selling and purchasing transactions.
• Adjust settings and features based on your organization's unique needs and requirements.

System Management and Operation

We guide the clients on each step of the process, from purchase and deployment to optimum use of the system.

Create user groups with clear role-based authorities, with ability to grant authority to, or withdraw the same from, any user.

Manage the launch of new branches and activities, and monitor finances by adding and comparing the data of different financial years.

Have flexibility to disable any transaction, account, or user for a certain period, as well as to close accounting periods on a monthly or annual basis while moving accounts to the new financial year.

Enjoy full visibility and control on business performance through the ability to view and filter transactions based on time, user, or branch.

Schedule system backup cycles (daily, weekly, monthly), identifying the number, time, and storage location of backup files, for easy restoration.

Design the look and feel of your system (colors, preview style, etc.) based on your own preferences.

Create user groups with clear role-based authorities, with ability to grant authority to, or withdraw the same from, any user.

Manage the launch of new branches and activities, and monitor finances by adding and comparing the data of different financial years.

Have flexibility to disable any transaction, account, or user for a certain period, as well as to close accounting periods on a monthly or annual basis while moving accounts to the new financial year.

Enjoy full visibility and control on business performance through the ability to view and filter transactions based on time, user, or branch.

Schedule system backup cycles (daily, weekly, monthly), identifying the number, time, and storage location of backup files, for easy restoration.

Design the look and feel of your system (colors, preview style, etc.) based on your own preferences.

Support Tools:

These are additional professional tools that help Motakamel Plus users manage their business operations more quickly, easily, and efficiently.
Messaging Services:
Sending automated notifications about any change occurring in the account statements (client accounts, supplier accounts, etc.) to keep managers informed and updated of business performance in real-time. The notifications are sent automatically via SMS or E-mail based on your pre-set configuration (messaging channel, recipients, etc.). The service enables users to:
• Access real-time data about changes in account statements (suppliers, clients, etc.)
• Reach important data without the need to log into the system
• Get updated data of any transaction, after each change or update.
• Send individual or group messages and feedback.
Help Services:
Serving as an integral part of the user's office ecosystem, these tools help users maintain an efficient workflow, access required tools whenever needed, view important "Help" data regarding any part of the system.

Motakamel Plus ERP Solutions

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مزود خدمـــــة حلول ERP
في المملكة لعام 2022

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مزود خدمـــــة حلول ERP
في المملكة لعام 2022