Annual closings of accounts and inventory

As we reach the end of year, companies perform annual closing operations for the last accounting period, and prepare for planning and starting accounts for the new year.
We would like to draw your attention to the necessity of performing annual closing operations perfectly to assure the correct implementation of these locks and reviewing them carefully whether the closures are related to accounts or inventory.

2560 1193 anas

سجل معنا الان

جـــائــــــــــــــزة أفضــــــــــــل
مزود خدمـــــة حلول ERP
في المملكة لعام 2022

سجل معنا الان

جـــائــــــــــــــزة أفضــــــــــــل
مزود خدمـــــة حلول ERP
في المملكة لعام 2022